Lucite Block acrylic is the premier product for low profile channel letter production. A&C Plastics Inc. is proud to debut this new plexiglass line brought over from the European Market. Lucite Block allows sign manufacturers to produce channel letters without using aluminum trim cap. We now have the capability to rout and lay LED lights directly into the panel making channel letters slimmer than ever before!
Benefits of Lucite Block Acrylic
- Chunky letter designs
- Optimized light transmission to maximize economic and environmental benefits of LED technology
- Can be used with white or colored LEDs
- Easy to fabricate
- Excellent quality
- Consistency of color & high gloss surface quality
- Robust strength
- High maximum service temperature
- Constant transmission colors are constant in the manufactured thicknesses
- Light can be directed out of the front of the panel, sides, or even the back
This product allows you to produce your sign almost entirely with your router.
The sheets come in one size - 1.18" x 59" x 78"
Fabrication tip
We normally recommend that any channels or holes that are drilled into the sheet are no more than 50% of the block thickness so 12-15mm (.472-.591") in this case, however, most channels are about 6-8mm (.236-.315").
There are two main styles of block acrylic fabrication
Method 1
- Shallow “channels” are routed out of the rear of the letters. LEDs are embedded into the channel and sealed
- LED units sealed in place with acrylic cement
- Good weather resistance
- Heat management critical to system success (otherwise LEDs will get too hot and burn out)
Method 2
- The center of the letter is completely routed out to create a void and LEDs are attached to a metal back plate.
- Variation in wall thickness after routing will result in uneven light output
- Metal plate assists with thermal management of LEDs
The Benefits of Lucite Black Acrylics Includes
- Easy to Fabricate
- Excellent Quality
- Robust Strength
- High Maximum Service Temperature
- Chunky Letter Designs
- Maximize Economic and Environmental Benefits of LED Technology
- Can be used with White LEDs
- Can be used with Colored LEDs
- Light can be Directed out of all Panels